Journal of Mathematical and Fundamental Sciences, ISSN: 2337-5760, E-ISSN: 2338-5510
Welcomes full research articles in the area of Mathematics and Natural Sciences from the following subject areas: Chemistry, Astronomy, Biology, Agricultural Sciences, Health Sciences, Biochemistry, Earth Science, Mathematics, Statistics, Medical Science, and Physics.
Starting from Vol. 1, No. 1, 1961, full articles published are available online at ITB Journal and indexed by Scopus, Index Copernicus, Google Scholar, Directory of Open Access Journals, getCITED, NewJour, Open J-Gate, The Elektronische Zeitschriftenbibliothek EZB by University Library of Regensburg, and EBSCO Open Science Directory. |
Journal Vol. 36A No. 2, 2004 |
1. |
Kajian Unit Pengolahan Menggunakan Media Berbutir dengan Parameter Kekeruhan, TSS, Senyawa Organik dan pH, Suprihanto Notodarmodjo, Andriani Astuti & Anne Juliah |
2. |
Expanding Super Edge-Magic Graphs, E. T. Baskoro, Y. M. Cholily |
3. |
Efek Pretreatment Terhadap Pembentukan Lapisan Cake dan Struktur Membrane pada Membran Ultrafiltrasi Aliran Cross-flow dalam Pengolahan Limbah Cair Emulsi Minyak, Suprihanto Notodarmojo, T. Zulkarnain, Dini Mayasanthy & M. Irsyad |
4. |
Penentuan Tinggi Orthometrik Gunung Semeru Berdasarkan Data Survei GPS dan Model Geoid EGM 1996, Hasanuddin Z. Abidin, Heri Andreas, Dinar Maulana, M. Hendrasto, M. Gamal & Oni K. Suganda |
5. |
Solusi Model Aliran Gas Dalam Pipa pada Kondisi Line Packing Menggunakan Skema Richtmyer, Harry Budiharjo Sulistyarso, Suryasatriya Trihandaru, Leksono Mucharam, Septoratno Siregar, Ivanky Saputra & Sinatra Canggih |
6. |
Studi Pengembangan Model Turbulen Kappa-Epsilon untuk Sirkulasi Arus I: Aliran Dua Dimensi pada Sebuah Tampungan Air, M. Syahril Badri Kusuma, M. Cahyono & Eka Oktarianto |
21. |
Vol. 38A No. 2, 2006 |
22. |
Vol. 38A No. 1, 2006 |
23. |
Vol. 37A No. 2, 2005 |
24. |
Vol. 37A No. 1, 2005 |
25. |
Vol. 36A No. 2, 2004 |
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