Hits : 39
A Study of Quantum dots of GaSb
M. Barmawi, Sugianto, R.A. Sani, Euis Sustini, P. Arifin, and M.Budiman
Data & Software Engineering Research Group STEI-ITB, Jl. Ganeca No.10, Bandung 40132, Indonesia
Abstract. Quantum Dots is a nano structured materials, which is an interesting object for fundamental study as well as for applications. Quantum Dots has been used for optoelectronic devices, such as fast detectors and for lasers. In this paper we report preliminary results of the preparation of quantum dots of GaSb in our laboratory. These dots are prepared by self-organized growth by MOCVD, using Trymethylgalium and Tridismethylaminoantimonat as metal organic sources and using GaAs as substrate. The results are studied by Scanning Electron Microscope. We propose further characterization of these quantum dots
Keywords: MOCVD,GaSb, Quantum dot
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