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Epitaxy of GaN film by hydrogen plasma assisted MOCVD
Sugianto , A. Subagio, Erzam, R.A. Sani, M. Budiman, P. Arifin, and M.Barmawi
Data & Software Engineering Research Group STEI-ITB, Jl. Ganeca No.10, Bandung 40132, Indonesia
Abstract. We have studied the effect of hydrogen plasma on GaN film, grown by plasma-assisted metalorganic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD). GaN films grown on a sapphire (0001) without the buffer layer have a polycrystalline structure. While films grown using the buffer layer tends to have a single crystal orientation. We have tried to increase the growth rate by varying the TMGa:N ratio. We found that the growth rate of the films were 450 nm/h with TMGa:N ratio of 1:600. However the films show a polycrystalline structure. Using hydrogen plasma during the growth, we have shown by XRD analysis that the films structure was highly oriented in (0002) plane parallel to substrate and the crystalline quality is improved.
Keywords: GaN, plasma-assisted MOCVD, buffer layer, hydrogen plasma, single orientation
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