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Penutupan dengan Asbes Dapat Memperbaiki Sifat Mekanik dari Sambungan Baja dengan Las Busur Listrik

Trisno, A. Sulaiman, H. Wirjosumarto

Data & Software Engineering Research Group
STEI-ITB, Jl. Ganeca No.10, Bandung 40132, Indonesia


The important mechanical properties in welding technology are strength and ductility of the welded joint. These two properties can be examined through tensile testing, impact testing and hardness testing. It has been known that those two properties are influenced by the post treatment imposed to the welded joint.

In this work, those properties were studied on electric arc welded joints of steel plates which have undergone three different post treatments. The three treatments are: (a) without post treatment,  (b) heated in the furnace at 650° C for half an hour followed by furnace cooling and (c) covering the weld with asbest immediately after the last pass of welding process. Results of the study shows that covering the weld with asbests produces better mechanical properties than that without treatment, eventhough  it is still inferior compared to the one which has been heated in the furnace.

 Due to the incomplexity and uncostly of the asbest-covered post treatment, it is necessary to study further the development of this treatment process for practical use.


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