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Tindjauan atas Masalah Hubungan Kerdja Praktis dan Pendidikan Kesardjanaan pada Bagian Mesin Institut Teknologi Bandung
M. Aroef,
Data & Software Engineering Research Group STEI-ITB, Jl. Ganeca No.10, Bandung 40132, Indonesia
Abstract. This article reviews the significance of the practical engineering work experience given by the various industries and workshops in Indonesia to the students of Bandung Institute of Technology, especially related to the mechanical engineering education. This review looks upon the problem utilizing the interest of the parties involved as the bases, namely:
· the interest of the education of the mechanical engineer to be
· the interest of Bandung Institute of Technology as an institute of higher engineering learning
· the interest of industrial enterprises.
It is endeavored to express the viewpoints as clearly as possible in agreement with the many statements and opinions conceived by the author during many discussion with various parties about this practical engineering work experience of the mechanical engineering students of Bandung Institute of Technology. The parts of this article concerning these statements and opinions are presented based on memory, and therefore this article is far from being all inclusive. The author is of the opinion that the most important aspects are sufficiently covered in this short article.
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