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Study on the Making of Blended Cement by Mixing Granulated Blast Furnace Slag with Portland Cement Clinker

Arief Sudarsono & Kris M. Kosasih

Abstract. This paper presents the results of laboratory into the effect of slag fineness and slag composition added to portland cement clinker, to the compressive strength of the paste. The results showed that slag of 4260 cm2/gram fineness can be added up to 3O% to a portland cement clinker to increase compressive strength from 28 MPa to about 40 MPa. Scanning electron micrograph of the pastes showed that the inter granular voids between slag particles and sand particles were densely filled with line CaO-SiO2-H2O gel after 28 days observation, and in case clinker without slag, densification of CaO-SiO2-H2O gel still left pores even after 23 days of observation. The fineness of slag is more important than its composition in the blended cement.

Keywords: cement hydration; compressive strength fineness; granulated blast furnace; portland cement clinker; slag

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