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Kontribusi Analisis Induktansi Sendii dan Induktansi Bersama pada Sirkuit Listrik dan Mesin Listrik Arus Bolak Balik 3 Fasa

Yanuarsyah Haroen

Abstract. The magnetic field analysis in single phase electrical circuit is not explicitly explaining the leakage flux, giving a vague picture and understanding of thewhole process. The magnetic fields of the three coils in a three phase system are usually assumed to be equivalent to a single phase system. This will introduce a misconception, since the influences of the field magnetism of the other coils are not calculated. Also, the self inductance and the mutual inductances in a single phase system equivalent to a three phase system are not exactly equal to the real single phase system. As an example of application, the case of a three phase transformer and a three phase asynchronous motor have been studied.


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