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Kontribusi Analisa Pengaturan Putaran Motor Sinkron dengan Inverter Sumber Arus Komutasi Beban

Yanuarsyah Haroen & T.M. Soelaiman


Abstract. This paper is a contribution on, the synchronous motor speed control by rectifier-inverter three-phase alternating current supply. The synchronous motor speed control method is described as a direct current motor speed control method. Based on the analysis of the rectifier output voltage the equations of the synchronous motor speed control are derived. Emphasis should be taken on the occurance of the limitation of the forced commutation and natural commutation of the inverter since these limitations have implications on the dimensions and the weight of the equipment. Through the analysis of the relative positions of the line-to-neutral voltages and the inverter input currents, the limits of the forced commutation and natural commutation can be determined.


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