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Studi Pengembangan Model Turbulen Kappa-Epsilon untuk Sirkulasi Arus I: Aliran Dua Dimensi pada Sebuah Tampungan Air
M. Syahril Badri Kusuma, M. Cahyono & Eka Oktarianto
Departemen Teknik Sipil FTSP ITB
Abstract. This paper present the results of the Kappa -e model development for simulating two dimensions flow in a small reservoir. The study was aimed to see wether the turbulent component could be better accounted by using the Kappa- e model. The numerical model was developed using finite difference method where hydrodynamic equation was solved by the combination of Mc Cormack and splitting methods. The mirror method is used as the boundary condition of the model.
Comparison study were done by using the field measurement result on fishery ponds and model results by other methods. Better agreement is found between field measuremenst and model results due to the increasing accuracy in turbulent model prediction.
Keywords: turbulent; Kappa-Epsilon model; two dimensional flow; small reservoir.
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