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Penentuan Deradjat pada Pembusukan pada Udang
P. Soedigdo, Rochestri Ijad & Tan Hwie Liep
Abstract. Spoilage of shrimps is largely caused by enzyme action especially by shrimp proteases in addition to microbial action which is also enzymatic in nature. It was found that when spoilage is in progress the specific activity of the shrimp SH-proteases is remarkably decreased. It appeared that this is a suitable criterion for the determination of the degree of spoilage. Enzyme activity determinations were carried out at 37°C with 1% of casein in 0.1 M phosphate buffer of pH S as the substrate and cysteine (0.02 W as the activator). Shrimp homogenate was used as the enzyme solution which was prepared in 0.1 M phosphate buffer of pH 8 at 0-4°C. Based on the decrease of SH-protease activity and on the increase of pH and volatile base (trimethylamine etc.) content a classification of the freshness of shrimps can be made, which might be useful for practical purposes.
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