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Closed Form Solution of Synchronous Machine Short Circuit Transients
Gibson H.M. Sianipar
School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Bandung Institute of Technology Email : gibson@power.ee.itb.ac.id
Abstract. This paper presents the closed form solution of the synchronous machine transients undergoing short circuit. That analytic formulation has been derived based on linearity and balanced conditions of the fault. Even though restrictive, the proposed method will serve somehow or other as a new resource for EMTP productivity. Indisputably superior, the closed-form formulation has some features inimitable by discretization such as continuity, accuracy and absolute numerical stability. Moreover, it enables us to calculate states at one specific instant independent of previous states or a snapshot, which any discretization methods cannot do.
Keywords: synchronous machine; short circuit transients; dq-domain model; state space formulation; closed form solution; superposition.
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