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Locating-Chromatic Number of Amalgamation of Stars
Asmiati1, H.Assiyatun & E.T. Baskoro
1Combinatorial Mathematics Research Group FMIPA ITB Jl. Ganesa 10 Bandung, Bandung 40132, Indonesia Email : asmiati308@students.itb.ac.id
Abstract. Let G be a connected graph and c a proper coloring of G. For i=1,2,…,k define the color class Ci as the set of vertices receiving color i. The color code cP(v) of a vertex v in G is the ordered k-tuple (d(v,C1),…,d(v,Ck)) where d(v,C1) is the distance of v to Ci. If all distinct vertices of G have distinct color codes, then c is called a locating-coloring of G. The locating-chromatic number of graph G, denoted by cL(G) is the smallest k such that G has a locating coloring with k colors. In this paper we discuss the locating-chromatic number of amalgamation of stars Sk,m. Sk,m is obtained from k copies of star K1,m by identifying a leaf from each star. We also determine a sufficient condition for a connected subgraph HÍ Sk,m satisfying cL(H) ≤ cL(Sk,m).
Keywords: amalgamation of stars; color code; locating-chromatic number.
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