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A Scaling-up Synthesis from Laboratory Scale to Pilot Scale and to near Commercial Scale for Paste-Glue Production
Johnner P. Sitompul1, Hyung Woo Lee1, Yook Chan Kim2 & Matthew W. Chang3
1Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Industrial Technology, Institute of Technology Bandung, Jalan Ganesha No. 10, Bandung 40132, Indonesia 2PT. Garuda Twin Jaya, Jalan Sultan Iskandar Muda No. 8, Jakarta 12240, Indonesia 3School of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore 637459, Singapore E-mail: sitompul@che.itb.ac.id
Abstract. This paper concerns on developing a synthesis method of paste-glue production for gummed tape using a corn-based starch as an alternative feedstock from laboratory-scale to pilot-scale and to near commercial scale. Basically, two methods of synthesis were developed to produce paste-glue in laboratory scale. Based on the two methods, we then scale-up the earlier laboratory scale data to pilot-scale and near commercial-scale for developing a large scale process production of paste-glue. Scaling up production from 1,000 ml reactor to 500 L pilot-scale reactor and 1,500 L near commercial scale reactor, we monitored pathway of temperature increase during reaction as well as adjustment of operating condition conducted for laboratory experimental data in order to produce a good quality of paste-glue. Some scaling up parameters have been found as well as critical parameters for a good product quality such as viscosity and ceiling temperature of the reaction which are very crucial in order to give optimum operating condition. We have selected synthesis method of paste-glue production and found the range of the parameters in order to produce a very good quality of paste-glue in pilot scale and near commercial scale.
Keywords: scale-up; process development; paste glue; gummed tape; polymerization; lab scale; pilot scale; near commercial scale.
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