Pengaruh Modernisme terhadap Aplikasi Ragam Hias pada Desain Masjid Salman-ITB Karya Ahmad Noe’man
Achmad Haldani Destiarmand
1KK Kriya dan Tradisi Fakultas Seni Rupa dan Desain-ITB, Indonesia Email :
Abstract. This research focuses on Achmad Noeman’s views on the ornaments in Masjid Salman of ITB, which he designed in 1959. The research explores the socio- historical context of a designed artifact. The object was chosen due to preliminary observation and prescribed assumption that the role of ornaments in Noeman’s mosque design were strongly reduced and differed compare to those of traditional mosque designs. Ornaments that used to be the heart of Islamic Art were no longer as vital and important in Noeman’s mosque design. Accordingly, there should be reasons behind Noeman’s mosque design that link him to the spirit of that time. The design of Masjid Salman exposes Achmad Noeman’s strong determination in accomodating the popularity style of modernism that expose simplicity and functionality of an object; although as a moslem architect he had exposed to the more contempative and transcendent ways of object’s aesthetics. Yet, he had not lost his spiritual touch, althoughhis Masjid Salman design is more into secular views of modernism. Based on observation of Noeman’s works, it can be deduced that spirit of the time was influential in the design of modern mosque in Indonesia—as shown in Masjid Salman and Grand Masjid of Istiqlal in Jakarta. However, the shifting of Achmad Noeman’s works to embrace modernism was not just results of mere copy-cat of a style but it came through a deep and inner contemplation of Achmad Noeman as an individual and academician architect.
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