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Conic Optimization, with Applications to (Robust) Truss Topology Design
C. Roos, D. Chaerani
Data & Software Engineering Research Group STEI-ITB, Jl. Ganeca No.10, Bandung 40132, Indonesia
Abstract. After a bried introduction to the field of Conic Optimization we present some interesting applications to the (robust) truss topology design (TTD) problem, where the goal is to design a truss of a given weight best able to withstand a set of given loads. We present a linear model for the single-load case and semidefinite models for the multi-load and the robust TTD problem. All models are illustrated by examples. It is also shown that by using duality the size of some of these models can be reduced significantly.
Keywords: conic optimization, truss topology design, conic quadratic optimization, semidefinite optimization, robust optimization
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