Hits : 14
Penentuan Penggunaan Tanah Pertanian dengan Programming Linier Antardaerah
Budhy Tjahyati Sugijanto,
Data & Software Engineering Research Group STEI-ITB, Jl. Ganeca No.10, Bandung 40132, Indonesia
Abstract. The Application of Interregional Linear Programming is relatively a new technique of analysis (Birowo 1965).
This paper attempts to apply this technique in Indonesia where agriculture land use is dominant, assuming a certain field-crops being planted.
In this scheme what is worth to note is the method and model of analysis. It is an endeavour to incorporate variables such as transportation, fertility of land and cost of production in the framework of the model.
The result expected, is a proposal of land use pattern, in certain field crops, which is thought to be preferred.
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