Journal of Engineering and Technological Sciences, ISSN: 2337-5779, E-ISSN: 2338-5502

Welcomes full research articles in the area of Engineering Sciences from the following subject areas: Aerospace Engineering, Biotechnology, Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Engineering Physics, Environmental Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Information Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Materials Science and Engineering, Manufacturing Processes, Microelectronics, Mining Engineering, Petroleum Engineering, and other application of physical, biological, chemical and mathematical sciences in engineering.

Starting from Vol. 35, No. 1, 2003, full articles published are available online at ITB Journal and indexed by Scopus, Index Copernicus, Google Scholar, Directory of Open Access Journals, getCITED, NewJour, Open J-Gate, The Elektronische Zeitschriftenbibliothek EZB by University Library of Regensburg, and EBSCO Open Science Directory, Ei Compendex, Chemical Abstract Service (CAS) and Zurich Open Repository and Archive Journal Database.
           Journal Vol. 41B No. 2, 2009
1. Estimation of Bank Erosion Due To Reservoir Operation in Cascade (Case Study: Citarum Cascade Reservoir), Sri Legowo, Iwan K. Hadihardaja, Azmeri

2. Improved Predictive Power Control Algorithms to Increase CDMA System Capacity, A. Kurniawan, Iskandar & Sayid Machdar

3. Geometry Effect Investigation on a Conical Chamber with Porous Media Boundary Condition Using Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) Technique, Yazid Bindar,

4. A Substractive Clustering Based Fuzzy Hybrid Reference Control Design for Transient Response Improvement of PID Controller, Endra Joelianto, Parlindungan H. Sitanggang

5. Determine Conjugate Points of an Aerial Photograph Stereopairs using Seperate Channel Mean Value Technique, Andri Hernandi, D. Muhally Hakim, Irawan Seomarto, Agung Budiharto & Emalia

6. Vortex-induced Vibration of a Flexible Free-hanging Circular Cantilever, Rudi Walujo Prastianto, K. Otsuka & Y. Ikeda

7. A Field Observation on Lightning Performance Improvement of Overhead Distribution Lines, Reynaldo Zoro, Ryan Mefiardhi, Syarif Hidayat, Redy Mardiana

11. Vol. 43B No. 3, 2011

12. Vol. 43B No. 2, 2011

13. Vol. 43B No. 1, 2011

14. Vol. 42B No. 2, 2010

15. Vol. 42B No. 1, 2010

 1  2  3  4  5  6  
Bahasa Indonesia | English


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