Pengaruh Endoxan-Asta (Cyclophosphamide) pada Pertumbuhan Embryo Ayam
Sri Sudarwati & Tien Wiati Suryono
Abstract. The influence of Endoxan-Asta (Cyclophosphamide) on the development of chick embryos has been investigated by injecting the substance into the yolk sac of 4 and 5 days incubated eggs. It was found that 0.04 mg Endoxan-Asta per egg is a teratogenic dose. Malformations obtained during the investigation were: bulb over the eye, eyelids not well developed, undeveloped eyes, cleft on the lateral sides of upper beak, short upper or lower beak, crossed beak, micromelia, syndactyly, ectrodactyly, ectopia viscerum, exencephaly and cleft palate. Besides that, Endoxan-Asta caused stunted growth.
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