Beberapa Aspek Biologis Ikan Genggehek, Mistacoleucus marcinatus (C.V.) (Cyprinidae) dari Waduk Jatiluhur, Jawa Barat
H.S. Hardjasasmita, T. Wiati Surjono & Hardjono
Abstract. A study on some biological aspects of the genggehek fish (Mistacoleucusmarginatus (C.V.)) has been carried out at the Jatiluhur man-made lake near Purwakarta, West Java, in the year of 1974 and early 1975. Zooplankton, phytoplankton and detritus are the main food objects found in the digestive tract of the genggehek fish. The maturity of the gonad has good positive correlation with the standard length of the fish. The minimum size of the nature fishes and the length-weight relation has been also determined.
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