Pengujian Beberapa Tumbuhan Ekonomi terhadap Serangan Suatu Nematoda Puru Akar
Buddy D. Kosasih, Inge Birsyam & Nuryati Yuli
Abstract. Twenty one species and 40 varietas of economical plants were tested for susceptibility to the root-knot nematode, Meloidogyne sp. The experiment were conducted at the Phytopathological Laboratory, Department of Biology, Institute of Technology Bandung. Six varieties of cotton (DP. 16, DP.15, DP.45A, DPSL, RBTK and Carolina Queen), red pepper (var. Local), roselle (var. Altissima), and one species of bean (var. Surakarta) were resistant. Two varieties of tomatos (var. Monalbo and STS No.3835), potato (var. Desiree), egg plant (var. Long purple), and lettuce (var. Batavia Green), were found highly susceptible to root-knot nematode.
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