Hits : 11
Modulateur PWM Numerique Programmable : Application a la Conversion d'energie Maximale du panneau solaire a la batterie
Y. Haroen, J. Jalade & J.C. Marpinard
Abstract. PWM modulator with feedback analog is often used in a voltage/current control system, but sometimes problems arise in which the modulator could not be used with this method. To overcome this problem a programmed numeric PWM modulator is used. This paper discusses the working procedure and realization from the software and hardware point of yiew by using 8085 microprocessor. One of its application is to control the firing time of power switching transistor in a DC converter (BUCK) where the input BUCK is connected to the solar cell panel and the output side is connected to the battery. With time firing control of the power transistor, the power of the solar cell panel can be transferred to the battery at its maximum.
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