Journal of Visual Art and Design, ISSN: 2337-5795, E-ISSN: 2338-5480
Welcomes full research articles in the area of Visual Art and Design from the following subject areas: Design History, Art History, Visual Culture, Design Methodology, Design Process, Design Discourse, Design and Culture, Sociology Design, Design Management, Art Critism, Anthropology of Art, Artifact Design, Industrial Design, Visual Communication Design, Photography, Interior Design, Craft, Architecture, Film, Multimedia, Creative Industry, Design Policy, and other historical, critical, cultural, psychological, educational and conceptual research in visual art and design.
Abstracts and articles published on Journal of Visual Art and Design are available online at ITB Journal. |
Journal Vol. 1D No. 2, 2007 |
1. |
Kajian Terapan Eko-Interior pada Bangunan Berwawasan Lingkungan Rumah Dr. Heinz Frick di Semarang; Kantor PPLH di Mojokerto; Perkantoran Graha Wonokoyo di Surabaya, Yusita Kusumarini, Agus Sachari, Budi Isdianto |
2. |
Desain Kebaya Sunda Abad Ke-20 Studi Kasus di Bandung Tahun 1910-1980, Irma Russanti, |
3. |
Desain Mebel Denmark dalam Konteks Perkembangan Desain Kontemporer Skandinavia, Jamaludin, Imam Buchori, Imam Santosa |
4. |
Unsur Tasawuf dalam Perupaan Wayang Kulit Purwa Cirebon dan Surakarta, Moh. Isa Pramana, Yustiono, Wiyoso Yudoseputro |
5. |
Persoalan Kesetaraan Gender dalam Karya Seni Rupa Kontemporer Indonesia, Ira Adriati Winarno, |
6. |
Makna Simbolis pada Unsur Visual Kostum Tari Topeng Babakan Cirebon Keni Arja di Desa Slangit, Ayoeningsih Dyah, |
7. |
Mengamati Aspek-Aspek Visual Pertunjukan Tari Sebagai Pengayaan Kajian Senirupa, Anis Sujana, |
8. |
Muatan Ideologi Iklan Global Pada Tayangan Media Televisi di Indonesia, Agung Eko Budiwaspada, |
9. |
Narasi-Narasi Tentang Tubuh dalam Seni Rupa Kontemporer Indonesia, Acep Iwan Saidi, |
1. |
Vol. 6D No. 2, 2014 |
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Vol. 6D No. 1, 2014 |
3. |
Vol. 5D No. 2, 2013 |
4. |
Vol. 5D No. 1, 2013 |
5. |
Vol. 4D No. 2, 2013 |
| 1 2 3 |
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