DOI Number : 10.5614/itbj.eng.sci.2009.41.2.5
Hits : 22

Estimation of Bank Erosion Due To Reservoir Operation in Cascade (Case Study: Citarum Cascade Reservoir)

Sri Legowo1, Iwan K. Hadihardaja& Azmeri2

1Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia, Phone +62-22-2504293, Fax. +62-22-2502271,

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2Faculty of Civil Engineering, Syiah Kuala University, Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam,  Indonesia, Phone +62-651-43196, Fax. +62-651-7552222,



Sedimentation is such a crucial issue to be noted once the accumulated sediment begins to fill the reservoir dead storage, this will then influence the long-term reservoir operation. The sediment accumulated requires a serious attention for it may influence the storage capacity and other reservoir management of activities. The continuous inflow of sediment to the reservoir will decrease the capacity of reservoir storage, the reservoir value in use, and the useful age of reservoir. Because of that, the rate of the sediment needs to be delayed as possible. In this research, the delay of the sediment rate is considered based on the rate of flow of landslide of the reservoir slope. The rate of flow of the sliding slope can be minimized by way of each reservoir autonomous efforts. This effort can be performed through; the regulation of fluctuating rate of reservoir surface current that does not cause suddenly drawdown and upraising as well. The research model is compiled using the searching technique of Non Linear Programming (NLP).
The rate of bank erosion for the reservoir variates from 0.0009 to 0.0048  MCM/year, which is no sigrificant value to threaten  the life time of reservoir.
Mean while the  rate of watershed sediment has a significant value, i.e: 3,02 MCM/year for Saguling that causes to fullfill the storage capacity in 40 next years (from years 2008).

Keywords: rate of the sediment, long-term reservoir operation, capacity of reservoir storage, non linear programming, suddenly, drawdown, upraising.

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