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A Substractive Clustering Based Fuzzy Hybrid Reference Control Design for Transient Response Improvement of PID Controller
Endra Joelianto & Parlindungan H. Sitanggang
Instrumentation and Control Research Group
Department of Engineering Physics
Bandung Institute of Technology, Bandung 40132, Indonesia
E-mail: ejoel@tf.itb.ac.id
Abstract. The well known PID controller has inherent limitations in fulfilling simultaneously the conflicting control design objectives. Parameters of the tuned PID controller should trade off the requirement of tracking set-point performances, disturbance rejection and stability robustness. Combination of hybrid reference control (HRC) with PID controller results in the transient response performances can be independently achieved without deteriorating the disturbance rejection properties and the stability robustness requirement. This paper proposes a fuzzy based HRC where the membership functions of the fuzzy logic system are obtained by using a substractive clustering technique. The proposed method guarantees the transient response performances satisfaction while preserving the stability robustness of the closed loop system controlled by the PID controller with effective and systematic procedures in designing the fuzzy hybrid reference control system.
Keywords: fuzzy systems; hybrid reference control; PID controller; substractive clustering; transient response.
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