23 May 2014
Reviewers Working Meeting of ITB Journal, 5 February 2014

In order to strengthen the network of reviewers and share important experiences in the process of a scientific journal article review , ITB Journal has organized a Working Meeting of the reviewers  of ITB Journal on Wednesday, February 5, 2014 in the Auditorium of Science and Technology at the East Campus Center.  The meeting was attended by 66 active reviewer for the ITB Journal .

The meeting was opened by Prof. Ismunandar as Chief Editor followed by presentations of the three Executive Editors of the ITB Journal . Prof. Edy Soewono as executive editor of the Journal of Mathematical Sciences and Fundamentals has presented about the flow of publication process of scientific articles in the ITB Journal.  He stated that the target of the submission process to obtain results of a review from a reviewer is three months , this process is called of the bottle neck which is important part that requires the support and cooperation from the reviewer . Prof. Tjandra Setiadi as Executive Editor of the Journal of Engineering and Technological Sciences convey the importance to ITB has journals indexed by ISI Thomson. One of the requirements of the ISI Thomson is a regular publication and at least 6 ( six ) numbers per year . Therefore, the number of articles submitted allow for J.Eng.Technol.Sci  to add the number of issues and became a pioneer as the first journal in the ITB to be indexed by Thomson ISI . Dr.Ir. Dwi Hendratmo Widyantoro , Executive Editor of the Journal of ICT Research and Applications , shared that the constraints in accelerating the publication of the Journal of ICT . Among these obstacles is the amount of paper that is not worthy, for example there  such a paper submitted to the conference amounted to only 4 pages or even whole thesis is submitted that forced to be rejected before assigned to the reviewer .

The key points are generated from the Working Meeting of the reviewers are as follows :
1 . Proposed a meeting Referee plot for creating benchmark , especially when associated with the status and needs of the journal , so it can be determined what are the standard in reviewing.
2 . Proposed a meeting of the referee  together with the editor to accelerate the review process.
3 . The reviews result should develop the paper , not just stating rejection in the comment that the artice is not worth  or bad and rejected paper but informing a good and a satisfactory paper for the publication needs.
4 . Proposal of a proceedings series run by the ITB Journal as Proceedia managed by Elsevier, making it possible for the papers of the international conference organized by ITB,hence those proceedings will be indexed in Scopus .

News Index:
  1. ITB Journal Best Paper Award Winners Announcement 2013
  2. Reviewers Working Meeting of ITB Journal, 5 February 2014
  3. ITB Journal Best Paper Award Winners Announcement 2012
  4. ITB Journal Best Paper and Best Reviewer Award Winner Announcement 2011
  5. ITB Journal Best Paper Award Winner Announcement
  6. ITB Journal of Science Best Paper Award Winner Announcement
  7. Call for Papers
Bahasa Indonesia | English


Begin on 10 October 2014 this website is no longer activated for article process in Journal of Mathematical and Fundamental Sciences, Journal of Engineering and Technological Sciences, Journal of ICT Research and Applications and Journal of Visual Art and Design. The next process will be proceeded under new website at http://journals.itb.ac.id.

For detail information please contact us to: journal@lppm.itb.ac.id.

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