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Optimizing Low Speed VoIP Network for Rural Next Generation Network (R-NGN)
Yoanes Bandung, Carmadi Machbub, Armein Z.R. Langi & Suhono H. Supangkat
School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Institut Teknologi Bandung
Jl. Ganesha 10 Bandung, 40132 Indonesia Email: bandung@dsp.ee.itb.ac.id, carmadi@lskk.ee.itb.ac.id, langi@lss.ee.itb.ac.id, suhono@lss.ee.itb.ac.id
Abstract. In this research, we propose an optimization method based-on E-Model for designing an efficient low speed VoIP network for Rural Next Generation Network (R-NGN). We are choosing 128 kbps and 256 kbps bandwidth as the typical community link to be used in the designing of R-NGN infrastructure. The method is based on selection of some VoIP network parameters such as voice coder, communication protocol, packet loss level, network utilization and resource allocation. We draw analytic approach for achieving rating value (R) of E-model that represent level of quality of service. In this approach, we focus on delay and packet loss calculation to find the rating value. We state the rating value = 70 as minimum level of quality of service for each call, equivalent to 3.6 of Mean Opinion Score (MOS). In our experiments, either G.723.1 5.3 kbps or G.729 is chosen for maximizing the number of VoIP calls, it depends on link utilization and level of packet loss.
Keywords: Voice over IP, Quality of Service, Optimization Algorithm, Delay and Packet Loss
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