DOI Number : 10.5614/itbj.sci.2007.39.1-2.6
Hits : 7

Pemodelan Hubungan Hujan dan Aliran Permukaan pada Suatu DAS dengan Metoda Beda Hingga

Dantje Kardana Natakusumah, M. Syahril B. Kusuma, Hendra Darmawan,

M. Bagus Adityawan & M. Farid 

Kelompok Keahlian Teknik Sumber Daya Air, Institut Teknologi Bandung

Abstract. Rain produces both, surface run off and base flow.In this journal, we will be discussing about developing a software for surface run off modelling based on the Saint Venant equation, using MacCormack 2D methode. The software calculates surface run off over time for 5 differents ground surface profiles, flat, triangular, parabolic and 2 nature profiles. Solution by numerical and analitical are compared for the flat profile. The result shows no significant different for the two methode.

Keywords: finite difference; MacCormack; modeling; numeric; run off; St.Venant.

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