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Studi Pengembangan Model Turbulen κ-Epsilon untuk Sirkulasi Arus II: Aliran Turbulen Dua Dimensi pada Saluran Ekspansi
M. Syahril B. Kusuma, Rani A. Rahayu, Eka Oktarianto, Hadi Kardana
& M. Cahyono
Kelompok Keahlian Teknik Sumber Daya Air
Fakultas Teknik Sipil & Lingkungan ITB
Abstract. This paper present the results of modeling study of two dimensions turbulent flow in an expansion canal by using depth averaged κ-Epsilon model. The numerical model was developed using finite difference method where hydrodynamic equation was solved by the combination of Mac Cormack and splitting methods. Water quality distribution is used as a tracer to visualize the flow structure. QUICKEST, Central, and Euler Scheme are used to find convection, diffusion, and reaction term solution. Model results have shown good agreement with those found by laboratory measurement and better assessment compared to those found by non turbulent model. In general, the result had shown better assessment on flow structure, velocity field, turbulent/vortex bursting and water quality distribution compared to those resulted by non turbulent model. But for small Reynolds number turbulent flow, where more densed grid and high courant number is needed, the model become oscillating and unstable.
Keywords: depth averaged kappa-epsilon model; expansion canal; flow pattern; two D turbulent flow.
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