DOI Number : 10.5614/itbj.sci.2007.39.1-2.2
Hits : 10

Kajian Peningkatan Akurasi Matriks Asal-Tujuan yang Dihasilkan dari Data Arus Lalulintas pada Kondisi Keseimbangan

Ofyar Z. Tamin1, Rusmadi Suyuti2

1 KK Rekayasa Transportasi, Institut Teknologi Bandung

2 Staf Peneliti Direktorat Teknologi Transportasi, Badan Pengkajian dan Penerapan Teknologi (BPPT)


Abstract. The information of traffic volume condition is very useful to road users as it can be used by the road users in choosing and determining their best route. The final objective of this research is to develop traffic information system for road users in Bandung in a real-time basis. The main input needed to develop the traffic information system is Origin-Destination (OD) matrix which is estimated from traffic count data. In this stage of research, several influence factors of the estimated O-D matrices accuracy from traffic counts data have been reviewed. The model type of transport demand model was examined, namely: gravity (GR) model. Four different estimation methods were then developed to calibrate these models from traffic count data i.e: Least-Squares (LS), Maximum-Likelihood (ML), Maximum-Entropy (ME) and Bayes-Inference (BI). In addition to all-or-nothing assignment, equilibrium assignment model is used as types of the trip assignment methods. Based on several statistical tests and optimum value of the objective function, the methods are found to perform satisfactorily with the high accuracy in the process of matrix estimation.

Keywords: estimation method; origin-destination matrix; transportation model; trip assignment; trip distribution.

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