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The Chemical Compositions of Thermal Waters at Ciarinem and Cilayu, Pameungpeuk, West Java - Indonesia
N.R. Herdianita1, & B. Priadi2
1Research Group on Applied Geology, Faculty of Earth Science and Mineral Technology – FIKTM, Institute of Technology Bandung (ITB) Jalan Ganesa 10 Bandung 40125 – Indonesia Phone/Fax : 62-22-2502197, Email: herdianita@gc.itb.ac.id
2Research Group on Geology and Paleontology, Faculty of Earth Science and Mineral Technology – FIKTM, Institute of Technology Bandung (ITB) Jalan Ganesa 10 Bandung 40125 – Indonesia, Phone/Fax: 62-22-2502197, Email: bpriadi@gc.itb.ac.id
Abstract. Thermal waters at Ciarinem and Cilayu, Pameungpeuk, West Java, Indonesia have different characteristics: Ciarinem water is a steam heated sulfate type and occurs as hot springs, whereas Cilayu water discharges as hot pools and is a chloride water type. Their chemical compositions indicate that the thermal waters are outflows of a volcanic–magmatic associated geothermal system. The solute geothermometers calculate that the subsurface reservoir temperatures range from 150o to 200ºC.
Keywords: high temperature; liquid dominated geothermal system; surface manifestation; volcanic associated.
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