DOI Number : 10.5614/itbj.ict.2012.6.3.3
Hits : 5

Antonius Suhartomo

Study Program of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, President University Jalan Ki Hajar Dewantoro, Kota Jababeka, Bekasi 17550, Indonesia

Abstract. If a communication network N with n stations has every station linked with at least (n/2)  other stations, then the edge-connectivity of N equals its minimum degree. Also, in general, this limitation is stated to be the best possibility, as was proved by Chartrand in 1966. A more developed notion of edge-connectivity is introduced, which is called k-component order edge-connectivity. It is the minimum number of edges required to be removed so that the order of each disconnected component is less than k.

Keywords: edge-connectivity; k-component edge-failure set; k-component edge-failure state; k-component order edge-connectivity; minimum degree

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