DOI Number : 10.5614/j.eng.technol.sci.2013.45.3.1
Hits : 5

Characterization of Chemical and Physical Properties of Hydroxypropylated and Cross-linked Arrowroot (Marantha arundinacea) Starch
Rijanti Rahaju Maulani1, Dedi Fardiaz2, Feri Kusnandar2 & Titi Candra Sunarti3
1Study Program of Agricultural Engineering,
School of Life Science and Technology, Bandung Institute of Technology,
Jalan Ganesha 10, Bandung 40132, Indonesia
2 Department of Food Science and Technology,
Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Bogor Agricultural University,
Jalan Raya Darmaga Kampus IPB Darmaga, Bogor 16680, Indonesia
3 Department of Agroindustrial Technology,
Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Bogor Agricultural University,
Jalan Raya Darmaga Kampus IPB Darmaga Bogor 16680, Indonesia

Abstract. The modern food industry and a variety of food products require tolerant starch as raw material for processing in a broad range of techniques, from preparation to storage and distribution. Dual modification of arrowroot starch using hydroxypropylation and cross-linking was carried out to overcome the lack of native arrowroot starch in food processing application. The modifications applied were: combined propylene oxide (8%, 10%, and 12%); sodium tri meta phosphate/STMP (1%, 2%, and 3%); and sodium tri poly phosphate/STPP (4%, 5%, and 6%). These modifications significantly affected the composition of the amylose and amylopectin and the amount of phosphorus in the granules. Higher amounts of phosphate salt gave a higher phosphorus content, which increased the degree of substitution (DS) and the degree of cross-link. Arrowroot starch that was modified using a concentration of 8-10% propylene oxide and 1-2% STMP : 3-5% STPP produced a starch with < 0.4% phosphorus content. A higher concentration of propylene oxide provided a higher degree of hydroxypropyl. The changed physical properties of the modified granular arrowroot starch were examined through SEM testing, and its changed crystalline patterns through X-ray diffraction measurements. Especially, provision of a high concentration of propylene oxide (12%) combined with 3% STMP : 6% STPP affected the granular morphology and the crystallinity.

Keywords: arrowroot starch; cross-linking; dual modification; hydroxypropylation; modified starch.

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