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Removal of Microorganisms in Drinking Water using Pulsed High Voltage
Ariadi Hazmi1, Reni Desmiarti2,3, Eka Putra Waldi1 & Darwison1
1Department of Electrical Engineering, Andalas University Kampus Limau Manis, Unand Padang 25163, Indonesia 2Department of Chemical Engineering, Bung Hatta University, Jalan Olo Nanggalo No. 19 Padang 25137, Indonesia 3Environmental Research Center, Bung Hatta University, Jalan Olo Nanggalo No. 19 Padang 25137, Indonesia E-mail: ariadihazmi@yahoo.com
Abstract. A pulsed high voltage was used to remove microorganisms in drinking water. The effects of the pulsed high voltage on pH, conductivity, temperature and oxidation reduction potential (ORP) of the drinking water were investigated. The observed results show that the removal efficiency with respect to fecal coliforms and total coliforms increased with the increase of the pulsed high voltage. The removal efficiency for microorganisms such as fecal coliforms and total coliforms was in the range 25-100% and 44-100%, respectively, after the water was exposed to a pulsed high voltage of 5-10 kV for 60 minutes. An increase of the pulsed high voltage caused a decrease in the conductivity and ORP with operational time.
Keywords: drinking water; fecal coliforms; pulsed high voltage; total coliforms; water pollutant.
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