Latest Edition : ITB Journal Vol. 46B No. 4, 2014
1. Removal of Phosphate from Synthetic Aqueous Solution by Adsorption with Dolomite from Padalarang, Fadjari Lucia Nugroho, Lili Mulyatna & Anggi Doli Wiranata Situmeang

2. Adjustment of Daily Activities: the Influence of Smartphone Adoption on the Travel Pattern of Mobile Professionals in the Greater Jakarta Area, Gloriani Novita Christin, Ofyar Z Tamin, Idwan Santosa & Miming Miharja

3. Identifying Contractors’ Planned Quality Costs in Indonesian Construction Projects, Puti F. Marzuki, M. Wisridani

4. Seismic Performance and Application of Sandwiched Buckling-Restrained Braces and Dual-Core Self-Centering Braces, Chung-Che Chou, Ping-Ting Chung, Ying-Chuan Chen

5. A New Approach to Blending and Loading Problem of Molten Aluminum, Jianhua LI, Wei Xing

6. Depositional Environment of the Sangkarewang Oil Shale, Ombilin Basin, Indonesia, Komang Anggayana, Agus Haris Widayat & Sri Widodo

7. Core Spreading Vortex Method for Simulating 3D Flow around Bluff Bodies, Lavi Rizki Zuhal, Duong V. Dung, Alex J. Sepnov & Hari Muhammad

8. Skin Region Segmentation based on the Average Preprocessed Image of Multicolor Face Image Sequence, Li Wei, Xianbo He & Fangyuan Jiao

9. Optimal Overhaul-Replacement Policies For a Repairable Machine Sold with Warranty, Kusmaningrum Soemadi, Bermawi P. Iskandar & Harsono Taroepratjeka

1. Vol. 46B No. 4, 2014

2. Vol. 46B No. 3, 2014

3. Vol. 46B No. 2, 2014

4. Vol. 46B No. 1, 2014

5. Vol. 45B No. 3, 2013

 1  2  3  4  5  6  
Bahasa Indonesia | English


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